Saturday, July 25, 2009

aaAAAaaaaAAAaaaAAAHHHhh!!! (Translation...Here I Come!)

Here's our little guy at a birthday party for Emma's sweet friend Elizabeth at the Sweet Dreams Cookie Company today. He really enjoyed all the action! He's been crawling really well for a while now...absolutely darling to watch and hear the pitter-patter of little hands and knees and his little sounds he makes. Listen to the little Tarzan sound he makes as he rounds the corner--we have a little private joke between us...not sure what it is, but when I make that sound back to Owen, he breaks into a big grin.


  1. Oh sweet Owen you are crawling!!! And we love your little sounds! He is getting big and so adventurous!

    Love to you all......

    Jeff, Naomi, Isaac, Caleb, Eliana and Lydia!!!

  2. Ok!! He is so stinking cute!!!!!!! I still hope to do a reunion someday! Maybe taking our kiddos back to China together????
