Emma has been learning all month about the first Thanksgiving. I get a new little tidbit from her every day. One day she told me about how the Native Americans used a certain animal for so many things...I could kick myself for not writing down exactly what she said. It was something like "humpalo" or another Emma creation equally adorable. I gently said, "Ems, are you sure it wasn't a buffalo?" She thought a moment and said, "Mom, it was a buffalo." She is such a sponge right now, so full of the love of learning. I am so thankful for Mrs. Kugler, all the special area teachers, and all the other dedicated adults at our school who make it such a wonderful place for Emma to learn in spite of the growing pains we are going through this year as Trinity is bursting at its seams. I passed my little squaw and all her friends on their way to lunch yesterday...they were oh-so cute. Emma told me last night that she was sad there wasn't going to be school today. Why??? Because it's ice cream day in the cafeteria, of course, and she'd miss it! Such simple joys still exist. And I'm thankful.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
My Little Squaw Emma
Monday, November 23, 2009
How we all love this boy!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Bye-bye baby curls (maybe...)
Yes, Owen had his first haircut today. A couple of weeks ago one of our little jaunts about town trying to get him to fall asleep, I noticed that the darling little brick building I've always loved on the corner across from the historic Thompson's Station Train Depot was now a hair salon called The Hair Depot. In my dreams I've always thought that little building would make a wonderful artist's studio. Big windows to let in lots of light, and definitely a wonderful vibe about it. Today was the first time I stepped inside, because Owen's little curls had become unruly and it was time for that first trim. Things had not grown evenly. You could definitely tell which part had taken off first and which was still, um, growth-challenged. But why here for the historic event? Because of the sign in the window: "Mini-Cooper Styling Chair for Kids". That was calling my wheel-lovin' boy's name, for sure. (Oh, all right...it was calling scrapbooking, picture-taking Mom's name! Sheesh!)
Here's how it went down. We walked in and he knew something was up. The lady who would be cutting his hair approached us and he started to whimper a little...this couldn't be good, he must have thought. We talked about the cut she'd be doing, and headed to the styling area. She discussed whether I would hold him in my lap or in the Mini-Cooper. Once he saw the car, the choice was made--he was intrigued. The pictures tell the rest of the story. Our stylist was wonderful with him, even when the clippers came out. The suckers sealed the deal (um, literally). We hope the Hair Depot will be around for a good long while. We'll definitely be going back!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I have a BOY.
I love this photo. A better quality version exists on my computer but then I would have to get up, ergo, no posting. Have I mentioned how much I love my iPhone??? Owen loves it too. I have learned to let Jeff download all the good apps so the kids are always after his phone. I like things uncluttered. Is there an app for that?
Anyway, this photo. My pretty mixing bowls that I broke down and purchased after 20 years with the same wedding gift mixing bowls...and lo and behold, nestled down amongst them is a little Tonka truck on its side! Guess who loves to yank this drawer open every day when Mom is in the kitchen and scatter the contents everywhere??? He leaves a trademark calling card. I love this car and truck loving, all boy-boy.