Sunday, August 30, 2009

My beautiful son...

In the recovery room, right after surgery. All I can say when I look at this photo is how thankful I am that we were moved to consider AWAA's special needs program, because I get to be the mother of this precious, priceless, beautiful little angel. I got to scoop him up from that bed, and am watching him as he heals a little more each day. He calls ME "ma- ma". He has his little arm on my leg right now as we are sitting on a blanket on the floor and watching "The Best of Elmo" for the umpteenth time of our stay at Vandy. (Note to self: need more videos!). So thankful for my beautiful son. That is MY boy laying there. Thank you seems so inadequate, God, but thank you. Thank you.


  1. I know exactly how you feel. I am glad you were able to go through with the surgery and that your little guy is doing ok. Prayers that he will recover quickly.


  2. Thank you for the update. I was wondering how you guys were doing. So glad that everything went so well! Praying you guys get to go home tomorrow.

  3. Praying that your precious little guy heals quickly. God is SO good and it's wonderful to know he is doing well and that you are able to snuggle YOUR precious boy in your arms!

    Blessings and Hugs to both of you!! <><

