Saturday, May 23, 2009

Bank account OPEN, Shop Vac ON...

Jeff called me yesterday and said, "Are you up for going to Lowe's still? Cuz' I haven't spent enough money yet today." Paid for part of our China trip today, have been van shopping, and of COURSE, after 7 years of living in this house, our dishwasher went out this week. So we went and plunked down another chunk of change to get a new one, because we can't bring home a baby and be washing bottles by hand (OK, yes, I know we could, I know how spoiled that sounds, but, BUT,...). So as we were waiting around in the appliance department I told Jeff how proud I was of him for how hard he had worked this last year (major long hours and stress) that we could just go out and replace this broken appliance on top of everything else we are spending right now on the adoption, trying to buy a van, etc., and he said, "God is good. (pause) And we are spending all that goodness..."'s only money. Feels kind of like we are living as our pastor Lloyd has suggested, with our hands open, to receive, and to let it flow back know, in a giving sense. Um, Lloyd, didn't know it was gonna go to Lowe's. OK, but most of it IS going into the adoption. To flesh out that visual, his point is that if we live our lives in a posture of fists clenched, clinging tightly to everything we have, we are not open to receiving, and then giving. SO true.


  1. Be sure & send a picture of the van to Ken. He's waiting on pins & needles! Oh, Owen too, but you know Ken... :)

  2. Hi Ann! Can't wait to travel with you this week! So exciting, isn't it? Oh and I totally hear you on the money vacuum - several large expenditures came up for us this week too! When it rains it pours, I guess!! I'll be seeing you in Beijing!
