Sophie Elizabeth Trubey was born March 30, 1997, on Easter Sunday, and placed in our arms two days later (yes, April Fool's Day).
On March 27, 2004, I stood with Jeff and Sophie on China's Great Wall, just hours away from holding Emma; this was also Easter Sunday...her "Gotcha Day" would be the next day, March 28th.
On March 27, 2008, a baby boy was born in Chenzhou, Hunan Province, China, and abandoned 4 days later. In America, Jeff and I wondered if the wait for Chinese adoptions would ever speed up. Maybe after the Olympics. And so we waited. And waited. And I had to admit I had this little thought deep down inside, wouldn't it be neat to have a son? And we kept waiting.
A year later, much has changed. We are miraculously waiting on those key pieces of paper to come through so we can bring home that little baby doll looking boy, Chen Li Wen, our Owen. I must confess I sleep with his picture beside my bed most nights, I pull it out of my Bible at church so he can "sit on my lap" at church, and I just look at him for that hour and think how grateful I am, and I wipe away a tear or two because I know how much I love my girls, and how simply wrong it is that he is THERE and not HERE. So during the week of spring break and Easter week, three blessings happen. First, a friend from our travel group to China back in 2005 emails me out of the blue...she ran across my blog, and saw that we have accepted a referral for a son from Chenzhou--this was where her daughter was from! I remember that her sweet Katie was in a wonderful orphanage and she truly was well-cared for...we get back in touch, and I get a true sense of peace that our son is being loved and nurtured, even if he's not home with us yet. Second, our PA arrives, after waiting 30 days. And third, on the evening of Easter, I decide to check out the photos file of the yahoo group I had recently joined for families who have adopted from the Chenzhou orphanage. I notice that there are files labeled "Chenzhou babies, March 2009". My heart skips a beat. I cruise through the photos, and sure enough, THERE HE IS! I can't mistake the face I have stared at for hours. He's just sort of half asleep in a crib, and all I can see is his sweet face, but it is enough. I email the lady who has taken these pictures, and she is gracious enough to send us the full resolution photos so we are able to zoom in and really see how well his lip has healed up, and she even sends a snippet of video. An Easter miracle for Owen. Now I have one for each of my children. I literally smiled up at the ceiling when I found those pictures and said in my heart, "Aw God, you did it again! You really are something!" So here's that sweet boy.
I'm so excited for you guys! Owen is a little cutie. Can't wait to follow your journey in China! Have a wonderful weeekend.