Sunday, April 26, 2009

Rotten TCAP Memory

So we just finished TCAP week...Tennessee's achievement test for kids through the eighth grade. Always a relief. I was telling Jeff this afternoon about how quite a few years back, I remember walking down the row past one of those boys who would have taken my scores through the roof. It was the end of the week, we were all tired, the test was done, the enormous booklet finally bubbled in from front to back, for better or worse with an approved, well-sharpened #2 pencil, and he smiles up at me with an obvious feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment and says, "Mrs. Trubey, time has flied." Yep, that's what he said. Time has FLIED. F-L-I-E-D. Son, HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN IN MY CLASS????? I just smiled back. Sigh. Learning is a process. Glad to be a part of it.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you a great teacher & mom! My 4th grader (Philip) is taking the math & reading portion of the TAKS this week. We are so ready for them to be over.
    I'm so excited to follow your journey! I think I might take notes so I'll be ready when we travel! Have a great week!
