They stand for "Letter Of Acceptance"...the official document that China sends to us to say Chen Li Wen is ours...and it came to our agency today!!! I was actually showing my math club the amazing 20-second snippet of video that came miraculously to us by way of a woman who visited the orphanage in Chenzhou where our Owen is, took some pictures/video, and posted them on the website of families who have adopted children from there (more in another post on this!) I had just finished showing them this little movie (who doesn't love to see a movie instead of doing TCAP review???) and the phone on my desk rang. I was shocked when our family coordinator Melissa told me she had received our referral acceptance today (also called LOA). I couldn't believe it! The kids knew something was up. I just held the phone out to the room and told the kids I needed them to cheer. They were happy to cooperate! I totally did not expect this so soon after just getting the PA last week...I was a worthless teacher the rest of the afternoon. Now that we have this official document, we can post this referral photo...meet Chen Li Wen, our son Owen Li Trubey.
YAHOO!!!!YAHOO!!!!YAHOO!!!!! DOing a very hapy dance over here for you!!!!